Our New Offices
Monday, 9 March 2020
Some of you will already know that we have moved after ten years in Victoria, first on Palace Street and then in Cardinal Place. Portland House is to be redeveloped into residential accommodation. Those of you who visited will remember our stupendous view from the 27th floor.
This has now changed to a close view of the dome of St Paul’s in the City of London, specifically on St Martin’s Le Grand. The general location is named for a former collegiate church — religious houses were founded there in the 11th century and possibly earlier — and it now forms the southernmost section of the A1. Until the time of Henry VIII the church used to be responsible for sounding the evening curfew bell that announced the closing of the city gates.
We occupy part of the old Courtauld building (1927 Art Deco and grade II listed). The Courtaulds were French Huguenot emigrés who came in the 17th century. Initially they were goldsmiths and silversmiths. In 19th century they moved into mainly silk textiles and in the early 20th century invented Rayon that imitated silk. They were hugely successful and Samuel Courtauld was able to establish the world-famous Courtauld Institute of Art.
It’s good to be working in the City, especially since for some years I’ve been a liveryman. I am quickly revising my list of places to have breakfast, coffee, lunch etc, so do feel free to come and help me do the editing!
Our new address is 16 St Martin’s Le Grand, London, EC1A 4EN. All other contact details remain the same.
Sarah Thewlis