CILEX appoints Director of Education to spearhead new strategy
Wednesday, 15 September 2021
CILEX appoints director of education to spearhead new strategy
CILEX (the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives) has appointed David Cameron as director of education to spearhead the organisation’s education strategy.
His appointment follows a restructure of the business which will see him assume responsibility for all of CILEX’s education offerings, including CPD, the CILEX Law School - the education delivery arm of CILEX, apprenticeships and the new CILEX Professional Qualification (CPQ). He will also be responsible for influencing public education policy on behalf of CILEX.
Bringing over twenty years’ education experience to the role, David was assistant director of professional development at the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP), responsible for the College’s CPD provision. In 2019, he took on additional responsibility for the College’s Clinical Innovation and Research Centre, completing a review and driving efficiencies across the centre.
Prior to this David was programme lead at the Department for Education heading up the department’s curriculum support programmes for teachers of English, science and computing. This included procurement and management of grants and contracts with a combined value of over £100 million, policy development and advice to ministers on policy and implementation.
In 2017, he led the Department’s successful Treasury bid on computing education, leading to a commitment in the Autumn Budget of £84m for a programme to transform participation in computer science, particularly amongst girls. He designed the specification and led the procurement for this programme, establishing a National Centre for Computing Education in 2018.
David has also worked for the Institute of Physics where he was education programmes manager and managed the Stimulating Physics Network (SPN), a national CPD programme to develop the quality of physics teaching and increase the uptake of physics A-level across England. He also developed new professional standards for physics coaches, mentors and teacher trainers which allow professional practice to be recognised at chartered physicist (C.Phys) level.
David holds a doctorate in education with a focus on mentoring, professional development and adult learning.
Linda Ford, CEO of CILEX says: “At CILEX, we are proud to have a different vision of what a lawyer is, and a different vision for the legal profession. It doesn't take a certain type of person or the right background to be a great lawyer. And it definitely doesn't take a degree. Instead, it takes the right kind of training. David shares this vision and combines a highly credible academic background with a strong track record of delivering excellent educational outcomes. His experience will be invaluable as we seek to influence how legal education is delivered both in the UK and internationally.”
Speaking of his appointment, David Cameron says: “The purpose of CILEX - to develop, support and inspire a highly skilled body of legal professionals - greatly appeals to me. Their work on improving accessibility and opening up routes to the law is vital, to create a profession that better reflects the society that it serves.
“In my previous roles I have seen how high-quality education can be the catalyst for transformative change and impact. Professional development is not an event or a course, it is a state of mind which defines who we are as professionals and where we want to go. My goal is to create a cohesive CILEX education offering, from training and qualification to continuing professional development, that will empower our members throughout all stages of their careers, whether that is in developing specialist knowledge and skills, advocacy, achieving practice rights or entering the judiciary. This will support the wider goal of CILEX to raise the profile and recognition of CILEX Lawyers and paralegals across the sector.”
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