International Non-Binary People's Day 14th July 2023
Thursday, 13 July 2023
International Non-Binary People's Day is observed each year on 14 July and is aimed at raising awareness of the issues faced by non-binary people around the world. The day was first celebrated in 2012, started by Katje van Loon. This date was chosen because it falls at the midpoint between International Women's Day (8 March) and International Men's Day (19 November).
What does being ‘non-binary’ mean?
Non-binary is an umbrella term for people whose gender identity doesn’t sit comfortably with ‘man’ or ‘woman’. Non-binary identities are varied and can include people who identify with some aspects of binary identities, while others reject them entirely. Non-binary people can feel that their gender identity and gender experience involves being both a man and a woman, or that it is fluid, in between, or completely outside of that binary (Stonewall).
A few common non-binary identities are:
Agender – either not having a gender or being gender neutral.
Bi-gender – having aspects of more than one gender, either at different times or at the same time.
Gender-fluid – having a gender identity that changes over time.
Gender-queer – this can be used as an umbrella term for non-binary identities or can be used as a gender identity itself.
How can I show my support?
Stonewall have shared the following content to help educate and celebrate Non-Binary People's Day (10 ways to step up as an ally to non-binary people | Stonewall):
Watch this webinar on advancing non-binary inclusionin the workplace.
Attend this LGBTQ+ Network Group Masterclass in Birmingham on 14 July 2023.
Be an ally to non-binary people using these tips from Stonewall:
Introduce yourself with your name and pronouns and put your pronouns in your email signature or social media profile.
The most common gender-neutral pronoun is the singular ‘they’ (they/them/theirs). Using people’s correct pronouns shows that you respect them and who they are.
Use the singular ‘their’ instead of ‘his/her’ in letters and other forms of writing.
Ensure workplace policies and documents use inclusive language, i.e. using ‘they’ instead of ‘he/she’ and avoiding sentences that imply two genders.
Explore our Diversity & Inclusion section on our website which contains a range of articles including Supporting LGBQT+ (Sexuality) and practical guidance in particular from CIPD on Equality, Diversity & Inclusion and sexual orientation discrimination, gender identity and reassignment discrimination in the workplace.
An individual’s sexual orientation and gender identity should not affect whether they get a job, benefit from development opportunities or receive a promotion. Everyone deserves the opportunity to develop their skills, be fairly rewarded and use their voice in a safe and inclusive working environment.
Lizzy Turek
Client Research Associate