World Refugee Day and World Refugee Week (19th - 25th June)
Monday, 19 June 2023
World Refugee Day is celebrated on June 20th every year and coincides with World Refugee Week (19th – 25th June). Founded in 1998 in the UK, this year marks its 25th anniversary. World Refugee Day is an international day celebrating the strength and courage of people who have been forced to flee their home country to escape conflict or persecution. It is an opportunity to build empathy and understanding for their plight and to recognise their resilience in rebuilding their lives (World Refugee Day 2023 | UNHCR UK).
Securing stable employment is a critical milestone for someone who is trying to build a new life in a new country. In a world with ever increasing rates of displacement and migration, we must ensure that refugees are provided with equal opportunity. World Refugee Day is an important time to highlight the ways that companies can get involved in building a truly sustainable and diverse workplace that will last long into the future (World Refugee Day: Why Companies Need to Act Now | The HR World).
Companies, like Adecco have used their global network to set up an employment platform called Jobs for Ukraine designed to connect the thousands of Ukrainian refugees with job vacancies so that they can find a career in their new home. Any company can submit a free job vacancy advert and anyone who is a refugee from Ukraine can apply. So far, over 1,650 companies have signed up (from across more than 50 countries) and over 2,500 Ukrainian refugees have been successfully placed in work. Refugees come to the UK from a variety of countries and backgrounds. A foundation called Tent specialise in supporting refugees from all over the world and focus on mobilising leading businesses to connect refugees to work through hiring, training and mentorship. Refugees face barriers to accessing jobs in their new communities, which might include low language proficiency, poor access to transportation, and limited social and professional networks. Companies that invest in dedicated programs to hire refugees can play a vital role in helping them restart their lives in their new communities – and benefit from their talent, loyalty, and ingenuity (The Tent Partnership for Refugees).
Ways to observe World Refugee Day/Week:
- Donate to charities like Refugee Actionwho campaign for a fairer asylum system.
- Share your support for the event on social media with #RefugeeWeek, #SimpleActs and #CompassionIntoAction.
- Buy products and gifts for others made by refugees.
- Help refugees in your local community, or volunteer with the British Red Cross.
- Create your own Refugee Week event using the official Event Organiser's Pack.
- Visit the Refugee Week's website, downloading the artwork to share in your workplace.
- Take part in Refugee Week's new initiative, Simple Acts, to take small steps in making the world a more inclusive and equal place (suggestions include reading a book written by a refugee or watching a film about refugees' lived experiences).
Refugees can bring not only a different skillset, such as the ability to communicate in multiple languages but also a new perspective. On World Refugee Day, it is important for businesses to take a moment to reflect on where there may be opportunities in their workplace for potentially offering a life changing opportunity to someone who is building a new life here.
Lizzy Turek
Client Research Associate