About the RCVS and the Councils


The RCVS was established in 1844 by Royal Charter to be the governing body of the veterinary profession. Its statutory duties are currently laid out in the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966. The College safeguards the interests of the public and animals by ensuring that only those registered can carry out acts of veterinary surgery.

It is committed to veterinary care; through regulation of the educational, ethical and clinical standards of veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses, thereby protecting the interests of those dependent on animals, and assuring public health.

The RCVS regulates the educational, professional and ethical standards of all veterinary surgeons, regardless of the kind of work they do. A robust investigation and disciplinary mechanism is in place and will be triggered if a veterinary surgeon falls short of the standards expected by the profession and the public.


The RCVS , Mission and Values

Our mission, as set out in the objects of our 2015 Royal Charter, is to set, uphold and advance veterinary standards, and to promote, encourage and advance the study and practice of the art and science of veterinary surgery and medicine, in the interests of the health and welfare of animals and in the wider public interest.

Through this, we ensure the public has high levels of confidence, because veterinary professionals are highly competent, up to date and trusted. Ultimately, we enhance
society through improved animal health and welfare.


Our Vision

To be recognised as a trusted, compassionate and proactive regulator, and a supportive and ambitious Royal College, underpinning confident veterinary professionals


Our Values


  • Diverse and inclusive
  • Compassionate
  • Forward-looking
  • Straight-talking


Strategic plan

RCVS Council is currently finalising its 2025-2029 Strategic Plan, which will likely have an emphasis on collaboration, compassion and clarity. The 2020-2024 plan was ambitions and some elements of it remain ongoing. It can be found at: rcvs.org.uk/strategy https://www.rcvs.org.uk/how-we-work/the-role-of-the-rcvs/strategic-plan/


RCVS Council

There are currently 24 members on RCVS Council: 13 elected members (all veterinary surgeons), three appointed members for the eight Universities with a veterinary school (Bristol, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Liverpool, London, Nottingham, and Surrey), two appointed veterinary nurses and six appointed lay members. In addition the Chief Veterinary Officer is an ex-officio observer.


Committees, Subcommittees and Working Groups

Council delegates much of its day to day work to a range of groups, and lay Council members will be invited to sit on, and at times chair, relevant groups. A full list of which can be found at: https://www.rcvs.org.uk/who-we-are/committees/