Person Specification of the ARC Lay Person
It is proposed to appoint a lay member of the Audit and Risk Committee.
The normal term of office will be four years, with a maximum of two terms.
This committee member must:
- be committed to the seven principles of public life (see annex A)
- have experience of working at committee or board level
- have experience of corporate governance in the not-for-profit sector
- have experience of effective, proportionate risk management
- be able to grasp detail and contribute to objective decision-making by exercising sound judgment
- have a general understanding of and interest in regulation, professional bodies and the veterinary profession
- be able to provide independent and constructive challenge as an informed member of the public, not an expert
- be able to establish and maintain excellent working relationships with a changing group of colleagues from a range of backgrounds and experiences
- have good oral communication skills; and
- be able to manage time effectively.
It is desirable that this committee member
- has experience in Corporate Governance or a background in corporate law
- Conflicts of interest
Committee members will be required to declare any general conflict of interest or any relevant business interests, positions of authority or other connections with organisations relevant to the business of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and any conflict of interest that arises in the course of committee business.
- Fitness to be a member on the ARC
Members of the ARC hold office subject to satisfying certain conditions. Factors which will affect an applicant’s suitability include, but are not limited to:
- criminal convictions or outstanding criminal charges;
- a finding of impaired fitness to practise by any regulatory body;
- disqualification from a profession or as a company director; and bankruptcy;
- having an unspent conviction for a money laundering, bribery or a terrorism-related offence, among others;
- having ever been found to be in contempt of court;
- having ever been removed as an officer or employee of a charity for misconduct or mismanagement;
- being subject to notification requirements under sexual offences legislation (i.e., they are on the sex offenders register); or
- being a “designated person” under anti-terrorist legislation.
- Terms and conditions of office
- Committee members will be office holders, not employed by the RCVS. They will be entitled to a financial loss allowance based on the number of days spent on College business.
- The limits for reimbursement of financial loss and travelling expenses are set by the RCVS Council and are currently under review.
Loss of Earnings
- Committee members are eligible to claim loss of earnings of up to £352 per day, when attending meetings and training.
- Committee members are eligible to claim reimbursement of overnight subsistence of up to £220 per night and first-class rail fare, economy air fare or motor mileage.
- There is no stationery/computer consumables allowance.
- For those in full or part-time employment, or those not in employment, the RCVS will deduct tax at source as though the individual was on the RCVS payroll.
- Those who are self-employed, and have a consultancy, would be paid in full on an invoice from the consultancy, on the assumption that they pay any tax due themselves.
Time commitment
- The time commitment is expected to be about six days per annum, which includes attendance at committee meetings and training.
All committee members will be required to comply with arrangements for appraisal for their performance plus attend training.
- Competencies
Once your application has been assessed, if you are shortlisted for interview, you will also need to demonstrate that you have the competencies required to be effective in this demanding role. Some examples of how these may be tested and met at interview are shown below.
Competence |
Evidence |
Public interest and accountability |
Intellectual flexibility, sound judgement and motivation |
Effective influencing and communication |
Strategic direction |
Effective team working |